If you feel like testing your knowledge ...
this might be the right starting page for you.

Here are given a number of cloze tests (see below for explanation), taken from various sources, such as Newspapers, Systems, Management & Change, and De Bono’s books: Wordpower & Atlas of management thinking.
And for finding your role in teamwork,
look here.
Various Topics:
- Indy blues & Born again on a
-Why industry must learn to
- Imaginization (chapter 11 - Images of Organization)A Direction for the Future

- NL:2 testen uit Beelden van
organisaties, G. Morgan.

From Systems, Management & Change; for quick scan see first pdf.
Change - Timing & Ripeness - Role of Change Agent

from: Wordpower, E. de Bono

E. de Bono on serious creativity: About think

What is a cloze test?
A cloze test is based on the (‘Gestalt’) principle that when we see parts missing in a whole we like to fill these in. As in the picture below we imagine the footsteps as continuing.

In learning and testing this very same principle is applied by leaving out words from a coherent text. Besides using them for testing your wordpower, they have proven effective language learning tools.

Bij elke test zijn woorden weggelaten of 3 alternatieven zijn gegeven. Het is de bedoeling het betreffende nummer met één (Engels) woord in te vullen. Indien er meer woorden zijn gegeven, moet er één gekozen worden. Lees eerst de gehele tekst en vul dan in. Als er geen keuze gemaakt kan worden ga dan door; als je de tekst beter begrijpt zul je gemakkelijker open plaatsen kunnen invullen.