
speech created thought
(P.B. Shelley)

and active listening helps to understand

When dealing with other people it is important to realize that understanding their way of thinking often is not enough. The real problem may very well be their thinking. Whether you are advising or negotiating a deal, differences are defined by the difference between their thinking and yours. When two people quarrel, they usually quarrel over an object or idea. Both may claim that their solution is the ideal solution. Each may contend that the other's arguments are incorrect. In such situations people tend to assume that they need to know more about the object or idea. They study the object, they study the arguments.

Ultimately, however, conflict lies not in objective reality, but in people's heads (cf. shields).
Creativity can be used to influence their perception. It is impossible to convince someone else (unless he wants to be convinced). I can, however, influence his perception. Finding ways and manners to make people see new aspects or angles requires patience and creativity. Not all of us like travelling and looking at ourselves from new perspectives.
Facts and more facts may do nothing to solve the problem. We may agree that something has to be done, yet disagree on what has to be done. We should be aware that there is a difference between perception and emotion. Once an emotion has been triggered the perception tends to be controlled by it.