
If you set out to achieve something but the measures you take lead to the opposite result then they are counter-productive or operating counter to the
effect you intend. The Post Office is losing money so 1. .... puts up the charge on the mail 2..... .
This makes it too expensive for advertisers 3.... use for mail-shot so the revenue actually 4.... . The charges are increased still further. Again 5.... cuts down usage. In effect the price 6..... tends to be counter-productive: it fails to 7. ..... revenue.
There is a campus demonstration and 8..... an attempt to control it the authorities 9..... some of the students with damaging property. 10. ....
enrages the other students who now have 11..... definite grievance. So the demonstration gets worse 12. ..... of better. The measures prove to be 13...... .
An airline has an enviable safety record 14. ..... it has never lost a passenger. Someone 15. ..... that this record should be included in 16...... advertising. The effect is counter-productive because some 17. ..... feel the airline must be due for 18. ..... accident and others are frightened off air 19. .... by being reminded of the possibility of 20. .... crash.
An advertising campaign is designed to 21. .... smoking. It pictures men who have died 22. ..... lung cancer. The effect is counter-productive. The 23. .... is so awful that people assume it 24. ..... never happen to them and so the 25. .... has no effect. In contrast a campaign 26. ..... claims that smokers are unpleasant to kiss 27. ..... more effective because it is more credible. 28. ..... doctor sets out to be entirely honest 29..... his patients. The policy turns out to 30. ... counter-productive because the patients prefer him to 31..... definite and decisive rather than to admit 32....... hesitation and indecision.
A lowering of the 32. ..... rate in order to encourage industrial investment 33. .... at first be counter-productive as industrialists hold 34. ..... to await a further fall.
Rent control 35. ...... be counter-productive if it results in the 36. ..... from the market of properties for rent.

increase/ in/ instead/ interest/ discourage/ service/ to/ A/ it / falls/ this / increase/ This/ charge/ a/ counter-productive/ could/ their/ because/ suggests/ an/ people / can/ disappearance/ travel/ a/ from/ fate/ campaign/ be/ that/ is/ with/ be/ to/ may/ back

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