Diffusion is a gentle process of mixture or spread. When two gases meet the molecules of one gas move slowly in amongst the molecules of the other until eventually there is a mixture of the two gases.

The diagram shows some different ways 1. ... which something can spread. In the first instance there is a hard-edged 2. .... which swamps anything which gets in the way. In the second instance fingers 3. ... out and intrude into the surroundings. Each finger itself becomes a point 4. ... spread with further fingerlings spreading out from it. In the third instance 5. .... is a more gentle spread with a diffusion out from the centre and 6. .... mixing of the new with the old. The processes can be likened 7. .... a spread of a religion or ideology: by conquest, by colonisation or missionary work, or 8. .... cultural diffusion.

Diffusion is the opposite of clash and confrontation. It is a 9. .... rather than hard sell and though more powerful in its consequences, is 10. .... more difficult to effect. We know what a diffusing molecule is in 11. .... gas but what corresponds to this molecule in other situations? Is it 12. .... person with a set of ideas and attitudes? Is it a book 13. .... carries some message? Is it a number of apparently separate ideas, slogans 14. .... attitudes that spread independently but actually add up to something coherent? The 15. .... of American culture in Japan is taking place through the language with 16. .... of American words and concepts (shokku tor shock), and through such items as golf, Coca Cola and American 17. .... attitudes (for example towards executive mobility: the Japanese habit was for 18. .... executive to stay with the same firm for life).

In modern 19. .... pop records, films, television programmes, magazines and to a lesser extent books 20. ... provided very powerful diffusion devices, with the result that youth culture at 21. .... is now almost universal. Throughout the world everyone wears jeans and listens 22. ... the same music.

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