When two sides are speaking to each other there is a dialogue. When one side 1..... giving orders and the other side is obeying, or disobeying them, 2. ... is no dialogue. When one side is talking and the other side is 3. .... listening there is a monologue. Usually requests for a dialogue are based 4. .... the notion that one side has listened long enough and feels it 5. .... time for the other side to do some listening. In the days 6. .... student disorders the main battle slogan was the need for a 7. .... between students and university authorities. In many cases as soon as the 8. .... for a dialogue was set up the students lost interest in carrying 9. .... their side of the dialogue.

Talking is much more fun than 10. .... and those who like talking naturally feel that they have a right 11. .... an audience. Since it is unfair to inflict this duty on non-combatants it seems 12. .... that those who have done the talking hitherto should now do 13. .... listening. Hence dialogue is a process of talking in turns. It can 14.... mean listening in turns but this is apt to be forgotten.

There 15. .... a notion that talking means communication. This is not necessarily the case 16. .... the dialogue has to take place in public becaüse much that is said 17. .... by way of gesture and is directed towards the listeners on.one's 18. .... side rather than towards those on the other side. As a result public 19. .... can confuse an issue more than clarify it. There should be a formalised 20. .... whereby a public speaker could indicate to which side hè was addressing 21. .... remarks at the moment. Lack of such a formal indicator has led 22. ... much misunderstanding in the past. Since we are today sophisticated enough to 23. .... the distinction a politician is in the happy position of being able 24. .... say anything hè wants and afterwards claiming that it was directed towards 25. .... side or the other.

In fact there is extremely little dialogue in society 26. .... the government and the governed. Most of the communication is very one-sided and 27. .... processed by media mechanisms that are almost the opposite of dialogue. The 28. .... poll is almost the only effective step towards a social dialogue and 29. ... that is limited in its usefulness. The vote is no part of 30. .... dialogue since there may be disagreement with both sides or a mixture 31. .... agreement and disagreement with one or other side.
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